Curious on the backstory behind the photos? This is the place. You'll find not only write ups on local outings, but also reviews of major events I’ve attended.

Best of 2024

A curated selection of my favorite photos from the year 2024.

Time for my 2024 aviation photography recap! I've decided to take a different approach this year. Instead of selecting only a small number of my flashiest edits, I’ll focus more on the variety of aviation captured through my lens and the photographs that have been most meaningful to me. On a personal level, this has been an incredibly busy year, and unfortunately, that means I have a massive backlog of photos I haven't even had time to look at since I took them. However, that doesn't mean I'm not proud of the photos I have edited!

I can't forgo mentioning the people involved in these adventures... It's been such a pleasure meeting so many incredible people who share my passion for aviation. Whether it was a fellow photographer, a pilot, or an air traffic controller, every interaction has left an impression on me. You know who you are!

Anyway, enough blabbing from me. Here's my top 50 aviation photos from 2024!

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The Super 80 Send Off

The conclusion of American Mad Dog operations happened four years ago and I had the privilege of being on airfield for the historic day!

September 4th, 2023 marks four years since the final day of revenue operations for the American Airlines MD-80, affectionately nicknamed the Mad Dog. On September 4, 2019, many aviation enthusiasts and employees mourned the end of an era as the last American Airlines MD-80 flights took to the air concluding 36 years of operations for the Dallas/Fort Worth-based airline.

I was one of the lucky ones to witness the occasion in person as I attended the "Super 80 Send-Off" hosted by the DFW Airport. As I gazed upon the sea of American MD-80s lined up on the tarmac, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and gratitude for this aircraft - this workhorse of American Airlines that had carried so many passengers to destinations all over the world.

The numbers speak for themselves - the MD-80 constituted a whopping 44 percent of American Airlines' fleet at its peak in 2002 and carried over 87 million passengers in its lifetime - truly a testament to the aircraft's reliability and versatility.

In tribute to the airframe, American operated the final revenue flight from Dallas/Fort Worth to Chicago O'Hare as flight 80. The rest of the departures were non-revenue position legs with the majority going to Roswell for storage. Lucky for us watching, many of the pilots performed some rather spirited departures including wing waves and low transition departures!

Love it or hate it, here's to the Mad Dog - a true aviation legend. The skies are sure quieter without it!

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Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport 6/28/23

Various traffic seen at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Wednesday, June 28th, 2023.

It was a two of a kind sort of night! Various traffic seen at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Monday, January 16th, 2023.

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Ruslan Rising

Another visit by the mighty Ruslan…

The mighty Ruslan departs DFW Airport in all its smoky loud glory! This Antonov Airlines An-124-100M-150 made a brief visit to Dallas/Fort Worth this morning before continuing on to Space Florida Launch and Landing Facility Airport (KTTS) down in Florida. No matter how many times I see it, it's always incredible to watch this enormous machine fly.

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Beauty And The Beast

Two iconic quads departing DFW.

Beauty and the Beast. Nearly 9,000 nautical miles of travel tonight between these two giants as they depart DFW Airport!

The A380 is impressive but the 747 is still timeless for me. Which one do you prefer?

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Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport 1/16/23

Various traffic seen at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Monday, January 16th, 2023.

Various traffic seen at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Monday, January 16th, 2023.

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